Gather Your Mortgage Refinancing Paperwork

The refinance mortgage process can be a long and tedious road but the savings make it worth it in the end.
The majority of the legwork involves gathering specific mortgage refinancing paperwork together, which can often be time consuming, depending on which documents you already have in your possession, and paperwork you need to request.
The other part is based on your credit history, which is hopefully in good standing.
The following lists some of the paperwork that you'll need to gather before starting.
Income Verification: Lenders will need to make sure you have the funds to repay the loan. You’ll need to provide pay stubs for the past 30-60 days and a w-4 form. Self-employed individuals may require further documentation.
Credit: A lender will check various credit reports to see your financial habits and history. You may want to look into these reports yourself before anyone else does in case there is an issue you need to resolve beforehand.
Homeowners Insurance: If you have homeowners insurance, that will showcase your financial responsibility. You will more than likely have to show your lender a copy of your current policy declaration page, which will show the types and amounts of coverages that protect your home.
Asset Verification: You’re going to have to put together copies all of financial statements from checking and savings accounts, 401k and any investment statements to show proof of assets besides your employment income.
Liability Verification: You have to be able to provide current statements from any loans you owe money on such as mortgages, home equity loans or line of credit, cars and school loans. Payments schedule for child support and credit cards have to be provided as well.
Other Documentation: Sometimes lenders want to see certain paperwork regarding the property such as title insurance, recorded deed, appraisals, property tax statements.