Articles by David Rodeck

David is a Certified Financial Planner who writes about financial planning, investing and taxes.

How to Maintain Your Credit Score Abroad When you're living in a foreign country, you still need to protect your American credit. Use these tips to maintain your credit score abroad. 4 Investments Millennials Should Be Considering Photo of David Rodeck David Rodeck 4 Investments Millennials Should Be Considering Investing can seem extremely intimidating, especially if you’re a young, new... How to Pay Off Over $5,000 Credit Card Debt Photo of David Rodeck David Rodeck How to Pay Off Over $5,000 Credit Card Debt After using credit cards irresponsibly and faced with high amounts of debt, it can... Which Are the Worst and Best Debts to Have Is there such a thing as good debt? Not all debt is created equal. Read on to learn just what are the worst and best debts to have in your financial plan. 4 Mistakes to Avoid When Investing as a New Parent When you start a family, a good investment plan is more important than ever. Fix these new parent mistakes to start your family‘s future on the right foot. Ways to Tap Into Your Retirement Fund Early and What You'll Owe In Taxes Photo of David Rodeck David Rodeck Ways to Tap Into Your Retirement Fund Early and What You'll Owe In Taxes If you’ve been saving regularly, you’ve likely built up a decent nest egg in your... How the Zero-Sum Budget Can Help You Manage Irregular Income Photo of David Rodeck David Rodeck How the Zero-Sum Budget Can Help You Manage Irregular Income Do you ever look at your bank statement and wonder where in the world all your... What to Do When Your Bank Misses an Automatic Payment Sometimes things can go wrong when you pay bills automatically. Find out how you can fix this frustrating and potentially costly problem. 4 Factors to Help You Decide Which IRA Account to Open Have you figured out if a Roth IRA or traditional IRA best meets your retirement needs? We help you find the best IRA accounts. The Benefits and Risks of Joint Checking Accounts Photo of David Rodeck David Rodeck The Benefits and Risks of Joint Checking Accounts These days, getting married isn’t an automatic part of life for many serious...