Articles by Simon Zhen
Why You Should Make an Emergency Fund a Priority
The reason why you're still not saving for an emergency is more psychological than you think. Here's what you can do to start saving money today.
Simon Zhen
Charge Card vs. Credit Card: The Differences
The differences between a charge card and a credit card remains a mystery to many...
Why Credit Cards Are the Most Popular Emergency Funds
The emergency fund is popularly regarded as an essential fallback for anyone in...
6 Best Luxury Credit Cards for the Wealthy
Ever wonder what it takes to get one of the world‘s most exclusive credit cards? Here are some fun facts about the world‘s top luxury credit cards.
Simon Zhen
Is a Credit Card Annual Fee Worth Paying It?
Learn why some consumers shun the idea of paying an annual fee for a credit card while others maximize the useful benefits to make it worth that annual fee.
Simon Zhen
The Basics of How to Refinance Mortgage
For many homeowners, the concept of refinancing the home mortgage may seem very...
6 Affordable Halloween Costume Ideas
Eating your weight in sugar- and calorie-packed candy is only deemed completely...
When It's Actually Worth It To Buy Airline Miles
Ready to book a flight but you are just short a couple of miles to get you there. Maybe you should buy extra airline miles?
Simon Zhen
Credit Card Rewards Programs Compared
If you‘ve ever taken a look at various rewards credit cards, you‘ll find a 5-points-per-dollar reward rate to be rather attractive. But is it really that amazing?
Simon Zhen
Comparing Chase Freedom vs. Discover It Cash Back Credit Cards
Chase Freedom and Discover It Cash Back are two cash back credit cards that are...