Certificate of Deposit (CD) Account FAQs
Business Certificates of Deposit (CDs): How They Work
Learn about business certificates of deposit (CDs) and how they work to safeguard and grow a portion of your business's funds.
Lance Cothern
Turning a CD into a Secured Loan: Pros and Cons to Consider
One of the worst feelings is knowing that you have money locked away in a...
Forgot About an Old CD Account? How You Can Find Your Money
Certificates of deposit (CDs) are a great way to save money if you want a...
Jumbo CDs: Compare Pros and Cons Before Locking in Your Money
Compare the pros and cons of opening a jumbo CD (certificate of deposit) if you plan to lock in $100,000 or more for a higher interest rate on cash savings.
Thomas (TJ) Porter
Investing in CDs: The Pros and Cons to Consider
Compare the pros and cons for investing your savings in certificates of deposit (CDs) to find out if you comfortable locking in your money for a long time.
Kevin Mercadante
What is a CD?: A Quick 101 Guide
A Bank CD is an acronym for Certificate of Deposit.
Banks and credit unions,...
Should You Invest in Brokered CDs?
In many respects, certificates of deposit (CDs) are great...
Why Do CD Rates Vary By State?
Savers may often wonder why certificate of deposit (CD) rates can change depending on their ZIP codes and/or state.
Paul Sisolak
How to Boost the Interest Rate on Your CDs?
If you're looking for ways to get a higher interest rate on your certificates of deposit (CDs), consider these different ways to boost your APY.
Thomas (TJ) Porter
What Are Market-Linked CDs?
A certificate of deposit (CD) can be one of the best low-risk savings vehicles...
Should You Invest in Series I Savings Bonds or CDs?
Series l savings bonds and certificate of deposits (CDs) are low-risk, long-term...
Should You Keep Your Emergency Fund in a CD?
An emergency fund is supposed to be money that you've set aside for unexpected financial expenses. Find out whether it makes sense to keep your emergency fund in a certificate of deposit (CD) -- compared to an online savings account. Compare the pros and cons of this approach and how it could affects your ability to access your cash.
Thomas (TJ) Porter
Should You Use a Bump-Up CD?
Find out whether a bump-up CD (certificate of deposit) is the right savings option for you during a time when you're unsure about the direction of interest rates.
Thomas (TJ) Porter
Can You Transfer an IRA CD to Another Bank?
Yes, it is possible to transfer an IRA CD to another bank, but not without...
How to Open a Certificate of Deposit (CD) for Your Child
One thing that all parents want is for their children to succeed in life. To that...
How to Use CDs to Save for a Home Down Payment
Learn how you can use certificates of deposit (CDs) to save for a home down payment and find out ways to earn the highest interest for fast savings growth.
Paul Sisolak
Learn the Basics of Certificate of Deposit (CD)
Banks and credit unions, both offer depositors or members the option of purchasing CDs which are like savings accounts that you promise not to withdraw money from for a specific period of time.
Simon Zhen
What to Do When a Certificate of Deposit (CD) Owner Dies
Why is that we always get stuck with the short end of stick when banks mess things...
Should You Rollover Certificate of Deposit (CD) After it Matures
With your certificate of deposit (CD) about to roll over, now’s the time to ask,...
When Should You Open a CD Account
Certificate of Deposits sound like a good way to save money, but how do you know you‘re ready for one? Here are three signs that show when to open a CD.
Anne Dullaghan
How to Get More by Building a Flexible CD Ladder
It‘s not always the best idea to pick your CD ladders by only considering the highest yield ones at this moment, and it could actually end up hurting you.
Veronica Stewart
Comparing Early Withdrawal Penalty Fees for CDs
A certificate of deposit (CD) is an investment option offered by banks and credit...
How to Earn More Interest With CD Ladder Strategies
A certificate of deposit (CD) is one of the safest saving tools available and...
Putting Your Money in a Callable CD: How Wise Is It?
Learn what is a callable CD is and how it works. Callable CDs are typically higher in rate than the regular CDs, and that's the pitch most bankers use when selling this type of CD.
Simon Zhen
Opening a CD Account - Hard Pull Vs Soft Pull Explained
When trying to open a CD account you might hear about hard and soft pull credit checks. Hard pull vs soft pull - which is going to affect you the most.
Simon Zhen
CDs Vs. Installment Savings Accounts: Which Is The Better Saving Strategy?
A disciplined way to save up these days could be by building up your money in an...
What is a CD Ladder and How to Use It to Maximize Yields
Laddering your CD portfolio is a good way of taking advantage of the highest CD...
CDs vs. Bonds: Which is the Better Investment for Your Money?
What are government bonds? MyBankTracker breaks them down and compares them to CDs, so you can decide which product is best for your savings.
Simon Zhen